Logiciel de logistique d’expédition et d’emballage pour trouver comment charger un camion, une remorque, une plate-forme, un conteneur ou un wagon avec du fret comme un rouleau de papier, palette, caisse, boîte, etc.
Load Planning is a very powerful and easy-to-use truck loading, trailer loading, container loading and railcar loading software that automatically suggests one (or more) load plan for transportation of paper rolls, pallets, skids and boxes via trailers, containers and railcars.
All suggested load plans comply with industry best practices for cargo securement
Supports all standard trailers, flatbeds, containers and railcars (Boxcars)
Supports multiple drops (or stops) for trailers, flatbeds and containers for over the road transportation (reverse loading)
Supports multi-vehicle load planning for large shipping orders
Supports for loading multiple size items ( SKU ) in same vehicle
Supports several load planning patterns including pin-wheel
Allows specifying maximum weight limit for stacking
Built-in import / export functions for interface with client’s computer system
Professional printouts (2D, 3D, axle loads, etc.) and load planning reports