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Load Planning Software

Logiciel de logistique d’expédition et d’emballage pour trouver comment charger un camion, une remorque, une plate-forme, un conteneur ou un wagon avec du fret comme un rouleau de papier, palette, caisse, boîte, etc.

Load Planning is a very powerful and easy-to-use truck loading, trailer loading, container loading and railcar loading software that automatically suggests one (or more) load plan for transportation of paper rolls, pallets, skids and boxes via trailers, containers and railcars.


  • Reduce transportation costs with cargo load planning optimization
  • Minimize labor time needed for creating load plans
  • Minimize cost of dunnage materials through better load patterns and cargo blocking strategies
  • Minimize cargo damages with good load planning
  • Avoid overweight fines and associated costs (for trailer & container)
  • Avoid round trips to weigh scale and save time and money (for trailer & container)

Load Planning Strategy

Uses a wizard concept to automatically suggest loading plans which are cost effective for any type of trailer, container or railcar (boxcar).

  • Store or import in the Load Xpert database weights and dimensions of all your shipping items ( SKU ) and your vehicles (trailer, container and railcar)
  • Select the items/SKUs to be shipped along with the vehicle
  • Select mode of transportation (road, intermodal or rail)

Software will automatically suggests one or more load plans with the following characteristics:

  • Maximizes payload while complying with axle loads and center of gravity limits
  • Inserts automatically dunnage material such as riser, void filler, air bag, strap, etc.
  • Minimizes cargo securement needs while complying with industry best practices for cargo securement
  • Identifies cargo requiring securement.

Features for Paper Rolls

All suggested load plans comply with industry best practices for cargo securement
Supports all standard trailers, containers and railcars (Boxcars)
Supports multi-vehicle load planning for large shipping orders
Supports loading a vehicle with multiple diameter rolls
Supports railcars with door sizes up to 16′
Supports T-loading in railcars
Built-in import / export functions for interface with client’s computer system
Professional printouts (2D, 3D, axle loads, etc.) and load planning reports

Features for Pallet, Skid, Slip Sheet, Box, etc.

Configuration Requise

Véhicules soutenus par notre algorithme de remplissage / maximisation du fret

  • Route : Camion, fourgonnette, camion frigorifique, semi-remorque, conteneur, plate forme
  • Intermodal (AAR) : remorque intermodale, conteneur intermodal, TOFC, COFC, Piggy back
  • Ferroviaire (AAR) : Wago, Wagon ouvert

Produits soutenus par notre algorithme de remplissage de fret

  • Rouleau de papier
  • Marchandises palettisées ou cargaisons sur palettes (aliments, boissons, produits pharmaceutiques, briques, ciment, métal, etc.)
  • Produits de construction (Bois, Contreplaqué, Mélamine, Plaques de plâtre, etc.)

System requirements:

  • Un ordinateur personnel exécutant Microsoft Windows 2000, XP, 2003, 2008, Vista ou Windows 7 1024 768 ou un moniteur de résolution supérieure
Examples d’impression